It matters to us that our pupils are happy at school. If you feel safe, known, cared for, and properly understood, everything else comes naturally. No-one can do their best if they are unhappy, and doing your best is all we ask. Abbot’s Hill is a lot of great things, but most important of them is this; our is a happy school.
Happiness comes from a really simple place – it’s ok to be you. This is one of school values ‘Be Authentic’. We want to bring along everything that makes you ‘you’ to help make our school a more diverse and interesting place. Our community is always there for each other. However amazing or difficult life might be sometimes, what matters is that we’re doing it together.
There will always be someone to turn to at Abbot’s Hill. Our outstanding pastoral support is led by our Deputy Head, Pastoral, Heads of Year, Form Tutors and pupil mentors, and there is a collective responsibility to maintaining a nurturing and caring environment for all.