Pre-School (3+)

A visit to our Pre-Prep is highly recommended. We host a number of Open events throughout the year, and individual tours can also be arranged.

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Our Pre-School offers a nurturing and stimulating environment for girls from the September following their third birthday. They attend for a minimum of three mornings each week during the Autumn term, increasing to five by the Summer Term to prepare for Reception. We also offer full wraparound care if needed.

Most of our Pre-School and Nursery girls move onto Reception, and our transition activities are tailored to their needs and interests.

Entry to Pre-School (3+)

Children enter Pre-School at 3+. For some this is a natural continuation from our Nursery, for others they join Abbot’s Hill for the first time. This time of transition is recognised as an important one in a child’s life. Our staff work closely to establish a strong home/school partnership to the benefit of the individual child.

Your child may enter Reception at 4+. Similar to Pre-School, for some this is a natural continuation from our Nursery or Pre-School, for others they join our school for the first time. This time of transition is recognised as an important one in a child’s life and staff work closely to establish a strong home/school partnership to the benefit of the individual child.

The curriculum within Reception follows the EYFS framework, adding opportunity and experience to this as appropriate to individual children. Emphasis is placed on securing firm foundations in literacy and numeracy. French, Music, PE and ICT are taught by specialist teaching staff.

Children move up from Reception well prepared for Key Stage 1, with a Good Level of Development (GLD). Compared nationally and across Hertfordshire, our children achieving GLD in 2018 was 94%, compared to 71.5% nationally. In 2019, Abbot’s Hill was at 81%, compared to 73% in the Hertfordshire area and 72% nationally.


Pre-Prep and Prep School

We are pleased to announce that, beginning in September 2025 (*) our Pre-Prep and Prep School will be co-educational.

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(*) Subject to DfE approval