Learning Support

Abbot’s Hill is a school which unlocks, develops and celebrates the strengths of the individual child, through skilful and tailored teaching and learning opportunities.

The Learning Support department, known as The Rose Garden consists of an experienced team of specialist staff who deliver regular training and provide strategies and techniques to support and enable learning.

Learning support in the Prep School is accessed through The Rose Bud – a space for Prep pupils and staff to use for small group sessions, 1:1 interventions and peer support throughout the day. The Prep SENDCo works with our team of TAs to ensure pupils are supported and challenged throughout the curriculum.

We are proud to enable all pupils to achieve their potential in all aspects of school life. We cater for mild needs, collaborating with external agencies including speech therapists, occupational therapists and educational psychologists as appropriate.

The Rose Garden also offers support to all pupils with other areas of learning such as organisation, examination technique and revision skills.

Please find Abbot’s Hill School SEND Information Report here.

The Admissions Process

We can support a limited number of children with mild learning difficulties each year. During the application process, we will ask you for additional information about any known or suspected difficulties or diagnoses relating to your child’s health, wellbeing or learning abilities – such as a formal Educational Psychologist, Medical or Specialist Teacher’s report – and will seek an informal conversation with your child’s current school. This information will help us see if we could reasonably meet your child’s needs so that they can benefit from everything the school has to offer and be able to contribute in full to the life of the school. 

If you have any questions relating to this aspect of the Admissions process, please contact admissions@abbotshill.herts.sch.uk  

Pre-Prep and Prep School

We are pleased to announce that, beginning in September 2025 (*) our Pre-Prep and Prep School will be co-educational.

Find Out More

(*) Subject to DfE approval