Abbot’s Hill sisters save the day!
Whilst on a father-daughter fishing trip over the Easter holidays Millie, Year 2, and Sophie, Reception, became the proud carers for four ducklings who had sadly lost their mother. Having grown up on a farm Millie’s father knew just what to do.
The ducklings were only a few days old when they were taken into Millie’s and Sophie’s care. They arranged the necessary things to help the ducklings including a suitable home, bedding and feed. Millie and Sophie were so gentle with them, to make them feel happy and content. They were safe for the night and the next morning the ducklings were happy and ready to explore!
It’s now been just over a week and they are growing fast and they always seem so happy to see the girls when they come home from school. One of them sits on Millie’s lap listening to her stories. The ducklings spend their days in a rabbit run in the garden and nights in a cosy shed.
In a few weeks time, when the ducklings are stronger and bigger, they will be returned to the wild. Well done to Millie and Sophie for their expert care.