Abbot’s Hill donates excess food to homeless shelter

Posted: 11th January 2021

Elms Emergency Accommodation

Like so many schools across the country, the last minute closure on Monday meant that there were far fewer people on-site that expected. Nevertheless, our fantastic food team were able to divert much of the fresh food ordered across the week to ensure that it was used and not wasted.

‘Fortunately, our food is ordered daily, so there wasn’t much waste at all’, commented Emily Wheeler-Smith. As our Head Chef, Emily is tasked with providing highly nutritious meals for our school, including pupils and staff. She and her team are known for creating a huge range of meals including fun and healthy options for vegans and those with additional dietary requirements.

Even with the ability to reduce the orders, there was still a bit of food that fresh and unable to last the weekend. We donated all of the food including locally delivered, fresh cod, to the Elms Emergency Accommodation in Hemel Hempstead.

The Elms is part of the  DENS network and feeds up to 44 vulnerable people daily. For more information on how you can donate:  or phone 01442 262274 for details.

Pre-Prep and Prep School

We are pleased to announce that, beginning in September 2025 (*) our Pre-Prep and Prep School will be co-educational.

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(*) Subject to DfE approval